A Helpful Internet Site


            For about a year now I have been receiving daily emails from an internet site called “Family Minute” (because the articles address family topics and require only about one minute of your time).  Recently these folks addressed the topic of “extra curricular activity overload” (which is a topic that hits home with many Prep parents) and cited a book by Christine Klein entitled The Simpler Family: A Book of Smart Choices and Small Comforts for Families Who Do Too Much.


            The article included questions provided by Ms. Klein for any parent contemplating an extra-curricular activity for his or her child:


            1. Is my child enjoying the activity?

            2. Is he learning something through his involvement?

            3. Is she participating because her friends are doing it, because she thinks her

                        Mom and Dad want her to, or because she genuinely wants to?

            4. Is your child’s schedule making unreasonable demands on the rest of

                        the family?

            5. Are my child’s grades suffering?

            6. Are my child’s relationships suffering?


            The article encourages parents to help children determine which activities are most meaningful to them and to limit the number.  Setting family priorities first can also help parents and students decide which activities to select.  “Family Minute” can be located at www.myfamilyminute.com .