
2 sticks melted butter

2 cups flour

1 cup light brown sugar



4 eggs, slightly beaten

¼ cup flour    

3 cups dark brown sugar (1 box)

1 can coconut

2 cups pecans, chopped

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon vanilla

Powdered sugar for top


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix crust ingredients by hand; spread evenly in 9x13 sprayed pan.  Bake 15 minutes; remove and let cool.


Lower oven to 325 degrees.  Mix filling ingredients by hand.  Spread over cooled crust.  Bake 40 minutes until center is firm.  (May take a little longer – if so, cover w/foil for the extra minutes, so it doesn’t get too brown).  Sprinkle with powdered sugar while still warm.


Cut into small squares.  Freezes well!