
Laura Bishop - Director of Technology


Hederman Media Center
601-939-8611 ext. 247

Total Years of Teaching Experience: 21

Total Years at Prep: 14

Colleges/Degrees: B.S. in Mathematics, Mississippi College, M.Ed. Computer Science, Mississippi College

"Youth is not a time of life---it is a state of mind. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old only by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." -- Author Unknown

"I expect to pass this through this world but once. Any good I can do, or any kindness that I can show, let me do now, for I shall not pass this way again." -- Author Unknown

"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." --Stephen Covey

I think these are worth veiwing:

TED Talk - 3D Printing in Manufacturing
Bill Gates Speech at Harvard University, Part 1 (6 minutes)
Bill Gates Speech at Harvard University, Part 2 (4 minutes)
Bill Gates Speech at Harvard University, Part 3 (6 minutes)
Bill Gates Speech at Harvard University, Part 4 (5 minutes)
Bill Gates Speech at Harvard University, Part 5 (5 minutes)


Ed Tech Blog
Google Docs in Plain English
Wikis in Plain English
Twitter in Plain English
Social Media in Plain English
Google Apps - Bill Gate's Thoughts on Google Apps
Google Apps - Microsoft Office vs. Google Apps

Helpful sites:

http://www.freetech4teachers.com/ - Free resources and lesson plans for teaching with technology
http://www.khanacademy.org/ - Watch. Practice. Learn almost anything for free.