
Support Services
The Department of Support Services at Jackson Preparatory School provides a variety of services for Prep students and parents. Services include academic assistance, diagnostic testing, education, information, and counseling. Resource study classes offer extra academic assistance, supplemental work, and instruction in learning strategies for students with a specific learning disability. Learning disabilities are diagnosed and documented by a qualified clinician. Currently, six percent of the student population qualify and receive the benefits.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Support Services program at Jackson Prep is to teach students specific academic skills, compensatory techniques, and coping methods in order that they might learn satisfactorily within a demanding academic environment. The program is designed to assist students in grades seven through eleven who have a specific learning disability.


Allyn Ray is the Director of Jackson Prep's Support Services Department. She has taught at Prep for over twenty-five years. She taught various English and science courses before moving into the Resource department in 1987. A graduate of Prep, she holds a B.A. from Millsaps College and an M.Ed. in Psychometry from Mississippi College. Additionally, she serves as the school psychometrist

Services Offered

  1. Resource Study - This is a class that offers homework assistance, supplemental classroom instruction and reinforcement. The class also offers instruction in compensatory methods in studying, test taking, and organization.

  2. Resource Classes in English and Math - To be eligible for placement in Resource English and Math classes, a student must first be placed in Resource study. These classes begin in the 8th grade. Students with a documented learning disability may be placed in these classes based on recommendations from classroom teachers, school counselors, and Resource teachers. Transcripts reflect placement in these classes. These classes are smaller and are composed of Resource students only. Material covered in these Resource classes is consistent with material covered in College Prep classes; methods of teaching, however, may vary. Grading is consistent with grading in regular classes.

  3. Individual Testing Services
    • Individual Educational Diagnostic Assessment
    • Petitioning for extended time testing on PSAT, SAT, and ACT, and AP exams

  4. Counseling Services - These services are available to Resource students and their parents, as well as to any student who has received testing services.

  5. Tutoring Referral Services - Some Resource students may need additional help from a tutor. The Resource staff maintains a list of professional tutors.

  6. Accommodations - A Service Plan is designed for a student with a disability based on a psychological and/or medical evaluation report. The plan is placed on file in the Support Services office. Extended time for test taking is offered to students with a documented disability, based on their need, if they have a service plan. If requests are made for accommodations beyond extended time for test taking, those requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Test results from a qualified clinician will be reviewed to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations. A determination will be made as to the school’s ability to provide the appropriate and reasonable accommodations.

Expectations of Resource Students
  1. To follow all specific recommendations made by teachers and counselors.
  2. To record and complete all assignments on time.
  3. To appropriately participate in all classes.
  4. To have a cooperative attitude and a willingness to work hard.
  5. To attend all help sessions given by classroom teachers.
  6. To study at home a minimum of thirty minutes per night per subject.
  7. To actively seek assistance whenever necessary

Expectations of Resource Parents
  1. To follow specific recommendations of teachers and counselors made for the student and/or parents.
  2. To arrange with the Resource student a designated study period based on a minimum of thirty minutes per subject.
  3. To set short-term and long-term academic goals with the Resource student.
  4. To review with the Resource student weekly grades and to discuss and guide the student toward accomplishment of academic goals.
  5. To check to see if homework assignments are completed daily.

Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is the first step in placing a student in Resource?

    The student must be tested by a qualified clinician who administers a standard diagnostic battery of an individual I.Q. test and an individual achievement test. The school prefers that testing be done by the Prep Psychometrist. Test results must be current (not more than three years old) in order to be used for placement.

  2. What must test results indicate?

    Test results must indicate a learning disability in any one of the following areas:

    1. Reading Recognition
    2. Reading Comprehension
    3. Math Calculation
    4. Math Reasoning
    5. Written Language
    6. Listening Comprehension
  3. How is a learning disability defined?

    Prep defines a learning disability as an area of achievement that is 15 or more points below the highest I.Q. score.

  4. What are the Resource placement options at each grade level?

      7th grade -
    • Resource study

    • 8th grade -
    • Resource study
    • Resource study, Resource English and Resource Math
    • Resource study and Resource English
    • Resource study and Resource Math

    • 9th grade -
    • Same options as in 8th grade

    • 10th grade -
    • Same options as in 9th grade

    • 11th grade -
    • Resource study
    • Resource study and Resource Math

    • 12th grade -
    • Resource Math

    It is recommended that Resource students attend summer school to take any or all of the following: Computer Applications, 10th history, 11th history, Advanced Biology

  5. How are students moved out of the Resource program?

    At the end of each school year, the Resource teachers and the students' classroom teachers evaluate each Resource student. Based on those recommendations and consultation with the parents, students may be moved out for the next school year.

  6. How are students initially placed in Resource for the 7th grade year?

    If an entering 7th grader scores below the fifth stanine on any portion of the Prep entrance exam, then that student must undergo individual testing in order to pursue admission. If the individual testing shows that the student has a learning disability, then that student may be placed in a pool of students who may be offered a place in Resource for the 7th grade year.

  7. How many students may be in Resource?

    The number is determined by the availability of staff, test results, and the needs of the students.

Related Links

Allyn Ray, Director of Support Services
601-939-8611 ext. 263